Sunday, August 28, 2011

Moving on...

With a heavy sigh and somber tone, Elise announced:
"Well Dad, I quit my job."

D: Oh yeah? What job was this?
E: Kindercare. I had my last day already.
D: Oh, THAT job.
E: Don't worry. I won't be home long. My new job starts soon - in about a week. I'll make new friends and learn lots of new things. It'll be just fine. You'll see.

And I'm sure it will.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

That'll wake you up

Joe gets up before dawn for work. Many nights he "accidently" falls asleep before bedtime.
Last night he was laying on the couch, watching TV and dozing off.

All of a sudden, Elise runs into the room with a pillow yelling "This is what you get... FOR TRYING TO IGNORE ME!!!"

Then assaults him with a barrage of pillow hits.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fruity Pepples are the devil

So, I went against my better judgment and bought a box of fruity pebbles. I saw a really cute fruity pebbles marshmallow treat made into an ice cream sandwich on Pinterest. It was a adorable. I was weak.
This morning my little morning grump rubbed her eyes, refused all hugs and kisses as she usually would do in morning and muttered quietly "I want breakfast".
M: What do you want?
E: Toast.
M: We're out of bread. We need to go to the store today.
E: Waffles.
M: No waffles either.
E: I guess I'll have cereal. Ooo! Do we still have fruity pebbles?
M: (reluctantly) Yes. Yes you may have fruity pebbles.

She sized up her first ever bowl of fruity pebbles saying "Smells great." Then with a laugh "Looks like a big bowl of garbage." She happily ate every last pebble.

Today was a really long day chalk full of bad behavior, sass mouth, "Go to your room" and tears.
The child is in bed. The fruity pebbles are way down at the bottom of the garbage.
They're pretty, they're gluten free, but apparently they are actually a bowl of garbage. Garbage that makes my kid insane.

I'm writing this down in hopes that I never forget.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Thoughts on tears

E: Sometimes when I laugh really hard I get tears in my eyes.
M: That's normal. It happens to everyone.
E: OK. Good. Sometimes it also happens when I cough really hard or don't want to swallow my food.
M: That's normal too. Tears happen for lots of reasons. When you're hurt, when you're sad, when you feel sick or tired... Some people even cry when they're really, really happy.
E: That's never happened to me.
M: Someday it will. When you're just so happy you don't know what to do, your eyes start to cry.
E: I bet that would happen if you got me a puppy.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Overheard in the family room

Dora: What is Boots holding? Can YOU tell me what Boots is holding?

Elise: What are you blind or something? He's standing right next to you.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Must slow down.

Every morning in our house is a scramble to get out the door. I'm not really a morning person and it's quite evident that Elise isn't either. She gets distracted so easily. Somehow "Put on your clothes" translates to "Stand on the couch in your underwear with a beenie baby on your head for 5 minutes" and "Brush your teeth" means "Go find a long stick and a flashlight then try to get your little tiger out from behind your bed because he certainly can't stay there alone all day."

This morning was no different. Rush, rush, rush. Nag, nag, nag.
I open the car door, shove all our things in. Elise is standing in the middle of the driveway.
"Elise, we have to go. I'm going to be late."
"Come here mom. I have something to show you."
"But we're running late! OK. Make it quick. What is it?"

"It's perfect today. Look. Feel it. It's just perfect. It smells so good and feels nice on my skin. Did you ever see such a great day?"

It was perfect. Still, warm, sunny, beautiful.
"Thank you honey for sharing that with me."

"See. You didn't want to miss that, did you?"

No. No, I didn't.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Foster the People - Pumped Up Kicks

I admit I was concerned when Elise told me this was her favorite song ever. It's about running from guns. It's a bouncy, catchy tune with a disturbing message.

She asked if it hurt my feelings.
Me: I don't like all the words, but why would it hurt my feelings?
E: Because the children are tired of their moms kissing them all the time.
Then went on to sing:
"All the other kids who are done getting kissed - you better run, better run, better outrun my mom. All the other kids who are done get kissed - better run, better run, faster than my mother."